Welcome to
Symposium on Spintronics and Quantum Information

The Symposium will be held on April 24-26, 2025, in Będlewo Palace Research and Conference Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It is organized by the Institue of Spintronics and Quantum Information (ISQI) of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.

The Institute of Spintronics and Quantum Information has been created on January 1, 2021, and since that time it has been organizing yearly symposia on broad aspects of condensed matter physics (with focus on spin-related phenomena) and quantum information.

The first Symposium took place in 2021 at the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of AMU, Poznań, and started with the official inauguration of ISQI. The second Symposium was also organized at the Faculty and took place at the end of 2022. The third Symposium was organized in Będlewo Palace near Poznan.

In 2025, the SymposiumISQI will be also held in Będlewo at a beautiful neo-Gothic style palace: https://www.palacbedlewo.pl/en/. The aim of the Symposium is to provide an international platform for the presentation of novel scientific ideas at the intersection of the fields of broadly understood quantum information and condensed matter physics.

The participation in Symposium will offer an excellent opportunity to share the latest results, exchange opinions, and discuss emergent and future directions of research. Lectures will be delivered by world-leading experts in several key areas:

  • Spintronics and molecular magnetism,
  • Magnonics, spin waves and magnonic crystals,
  • Quantum information and quantum physics,
  • Quantum optics, cavity and circuit QED,
  • Strongly correlated systems,
  • Quantum simulators and quantum matter,
  • Nonlinear dynamics,
  • Topological states of matter,
  • Quantum transport in low-dimensional systems,
  • 2D materials and spin-orbit phenomena,
  • Bound states in superconductors.

Registration (closed)

Registration deadline: Feb 27
Abstract submission deadline: March 17 (oral presentation)

Please let us know if you prefer oral or poster presentation.

Payment details

Symposium cost:
1060 PLN, full board, and accommodation in single room,
900 PLN, full board, and accommodation in double room,
650 PLN, full board, without accommodation,
350 PLN, full board for one day only, without accommodation.

IBAN: PL77 1090 1362 0000 0000 3601 7903


Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Account Holder: Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 61-712 Poznań

Payment deadline: 21 March 2025

Transfer title: /KN001040/, name_of_participant, SymposiumISQI, INVOICE YES/NO (if needed).

For all payment-related matters, we kindly request that you directly contact Ms. Joanna Talaga at joanna.talaga@amu.edu.pl. She will be responsible for handling the invoicing process. To facilitate a smooth and efficient procedure, we kindly ask that you provide her with the necessary details for your invoice directly.

Accommodation in Będlewo Palace

The conference fee includes accommodation for all participants, with each symposium attendee being assigned an individual room. In the case of a higher number of attendees, double rooms may be arranged by prior agreement. If any participants are interested in accommodation in Poznań before or after the conference, we recommend exploring the offers available on online portals, such as booking.com.

Travel to Poznań and Będlewo

The most convenient means of transportation are direct flights to Poznan or connecting flights to Warsaw or Berlin. From Warsaw and Berlin, there are frequent and affordable direct train or bus connections (such as Flix bus) to Poznań. Please feel free to reach out to us for any questions or assistance regarding the transportation to the conference at symsik@amu.edu.pl.

IMPORTANT! Please note that there will not be any bus transportation provided by the organizers from Poznań to Będlewo Palace. We plan to reach Będlewo by private cars, leaving from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań around 11.00-12.30 on Thursday. There is enough space for all participants. For details, please, contact the organizers. Transfer back to Poznań will be organized in the same way.

For participants arriving at a later date, transportation is available from the main bus station to Będlewo. The cost of this service is approximately 3 euros, and tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the station or directly from the driver (payment in Polish currency only, cash only with no option to pay by card). Alternatively, a taxi (such as Uber) can be taken to Będlewo, with a cost of approximately 25-30 euros.

If any issues arise with your travel, we kindly request the attendees to contact the conference organizers directly. In case of exceptional circumstances, we can arrange individual transportation upon request.

Traveling from Airport

Please find link to Jakdojade.pl - service where you can plan your journey through Poznań. Please use google maps to plan your travel or to find local Polish bus connection to Będlewo.

Taxi - close to the main entrance of Poznan Lawica Airport you can find taxi stop or call for example Taxi Poznan, Gold Taxi.
Cost about 100 zł. Using an app like Uber is recommended in Poznan.

Invited speakers

  • Jan Barański

    Polish Air Force University

  • Andrzej Janutka

    Wrocław University of Science and Technology

  • Marcin Karczewski

    Adam Mickiewicz University

  • Jan Kisielewski

    University of Bialystok

  • Piotr Kozłowski

    Adam Mickiewicz University

  • Antonio Mandarino

    University of Gdansk

  • Anna Musiał

    Wrocław University of Science and Technology

  • Tomasz Toliński

    Institute of Molecular Physics PAS

  • Piotr Trocha

    Adam Mickiewicz University

  • Beata Ziaja Motyka

    Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron

Symposium schedule

New - 27.03.2025

Registration is closed!

Important dates

  • February 20, 2025

    Registration and Abstract submission opening

    Abstract submission is closed!

    Please let us know if you have a preference for oral or poster presentation.

  • February 27, 2025

    Registration deadline

    Registration will close on February 27, 2025

  • March 17, 2025

    Abstract submission deadline (oral presentation)

  • March 21, 2025

    Payment deadline

    Symposium fee has to be paid before 21 March, 2025

  • March 24, 2025

    Abstract submission deadline (poster presentation)

Abstract submission is closed!

The submission is closed!

Please let us know if you prefer oral or poster presentation.

Please submit the completed registration form and abstract as soon as possible.

Abstracts should be submitted using the Symposium template via email to symisik@amu.edu.pl.

AMU participants can also use the online abstract submission form.

Organizing Committee

  • Karol Bartkiewicz
  • Anna Dyrdał
  • Konrad Kapcia
  • Aleksandra Trzaskowska
  • Jarosław W. Kłos
  • Ireneusz Weymann

Local Committee

  • Kacper Wrześniewski
  • Mateusz Zelent

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
